Wednesday 29 February 2012

About Life Concepts in Modern Biology by PAUL S. AGUTTER Theoretical and Cell Biology Consultancy, and DENYS N. WHEATLEY BioMedES, Inverurie, Glossop, Derbyshire, U.K. Aberdeenshire, U.K. free download

Preface .................................................................................................... vii
1 Introduction ....................................................................................... 1
2. Ingredients of the simplest cells ........................................................ 7
(Prokaryotes and the sizes of their contents)
3. Bigger cells ..................................................................................... 17
(Eukaryotic cells and their contents)
4. Hives of industry ............................................................................. 29
(A survey of intermediary metabolism)
5. Delights of transport . ...................................................................... 39
(How the cell’s contents are moved around)
6. As if standing still ........................................................................... 49
(Cellular homeostasis and regulatory processes)
7. Internal state and gene expression .................................................. 57
(Transcription and its control)
8. Sustaining and changing the internal state ...................................... 67
(The interrelationship between gene expression and the cell’s
current composition and functional state)
9. Responding to the environment ..................................................... 79
(Signal processing, gene expression and internal state)
10. The living state ................................................................................ 91
(A characterization of ‘life’)
11. Stability and change in DNA ........................................................ 105
12. The spice of life ........................................................................... 117
13. Curriculum vitae ........................................................................... 131
(An outline history of life on Earth)
14. The origin of life ........................................................................... 147
(Some major ideas and unanswered questions)
15. Other worlds ................................................................................. 163
16. Intelligent behaviour and brains ....................................................
(The biological meaning of “intelligence”)
17. Human evolution ........................................................................... 195
(Human intelligence and the question of human uniqueness)
Cells, brains and computers: towards a characterisation
of mind .......................................................................................... 209
Glossary and pronunciation guide ..................................................... 223
Further reading ...................................................................................
Index ....................................................................................................
vi Table of Contents
(How genes can be altered)
(Diversity, natural selection and symbiosis )
(The possibility of extraterrestrial life )
Thanks to the popular media, and to books by Dawkins, Fortey, Gould,
Margulis and other writers, people are informed about many aspects of
biology. Everyone seems to know a little about evolution, for example, and
about DNA and the possibilities (good and bad) afforded by research in
molecular genetics. Most people know some of the arguments for and
against the likelihood of life on other planets. And so on. We are glad that
these pieces of information have become so widely available. However, we
do not assume any particular knowledge (other than the most basic) in this
book. Our aim is to address general questions rather than specific issues.
We want to enable our readers to join their disparate pieces of knowledge
about biology together.
The most basic of these general questions – and perhaps the most difficult –
can be expressed in beguilingly simple words: “What is life”? What does
modern biology tell us about the essential differences between living
organisms and the inanimate world? An attempt to answer this question
takes us on a journey through almost the whole of contemporary cell and
molecular biology, which occupies the first half of the book. The journey is
worth the effort. The provisional answer we attain provides a coherent,
unifying context in which we can discuss evolution, the origin of life,
extraterrestrial life, the meaning of “intelligence”, the evolution of the
human brain and the nature of mind. In other words, it enables us – as we
said - to help our readers to join their disparate pieces of information
Although we assume virtually no knowledge of biology and use nontechnical
language as far as possible, we cannot avoid using some technical
terms. These will be unfamiliar to many readers, so we have added a
glossary and pronunciation guide after the final chapter.
We intend this book to be the first volume of a trilogy. In the second
volume we plan to explore what science is, and why scientific thinking
originated and flourished in western society. We want to investigate the
genes, cloning, genetic modification of crops, the obliteration of habitats, the
extinction of species, and so on. This first volume is a prelude to these
viii Preface
differs from them. In the third book, we hope to explore the most
future projects.
While we have done our best to distil the basic concepts that guide biology today,
controversial topics associated with biology today: patenting of human
informed readers are likely to consider parts of the text to be in need of
ways in which biology resembles other sciences and the ways in which it
revision or correction. We shall be glad of critical feedback. Science is a

A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson free download

As I sit here, in early 2003, I have before me several pages of manuscript bearing majestically encouraging and tactful notes from Ian Tattersal of the American Museum of Natural History pointing out, inter alia, that Perigueux is not a wineproducing region, that it is inventive but a touch unorthodox of me to italicize taxonomic divisions above the level of genus and species, that I have persistently misspelled Olorgesaille, a place that I recently visited, and so on in similar vein through two chapters of text covering his area of expertise, early humans.
Goodness knows how many other inky embarrassments may lurk in these pages yet, but it is thanks to Dr. Tattersall and all of those whom I am about to mention that there aren't many hundreds more. I cannot begin to thank adequately those who helped me in the preparation of this book. I am especially indebted to the following, who were uniformly generous and kindly and showed the most heroic reserves of patience in answering one simple, endlessly repeated question: "I'm sorry, but can you explain that again?"
In the United States: Ian Tattersall of the American Museum of Natural History in New York; John Thorstensen, Mary K. Hudson, and David Blanchflower of Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire; Dr. William Abdu and Dr. Bryan Marsh of Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon, New Hampshire; Ray Anderson and Brian Witzke of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Iowa city; Mike Voorhies of the University of Nebraska and Ashfall Fossil Beds State Park near Orchard, Nebraska; Chuck Offenburger of Buena Vista University, Storm Lake, Iowa; Ken Rancourt, director of research, Mount Washington Observatory, Gorham, New Hampshire; Paul Doss, geologist of Yellowstone National Park, and his wife, Heidi, also of the National Park; Frank Asara of the University of California at Berkeley; Oliver Payne and Lynn Addison of the National Geographic Society; James O. Farlow, IndianaPurdue University; Roger L. Larson, professor of marine geophysics, University of Rhode Island; Jeff Guinn of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram news
paper; Jerry Kasten of Dallas, Texas; and the staff of the Iowa Historical Society in Des Moines.
In England: David Caplin of Imperial College, London; Richard Fortey, Les Ellis, and Kathy Way of the Natural History Museum; Martin Raff of University College, London; Rosalind Harding of the Institute of Biological Anthropology in Oxford; Dr. Laurence Smaje, formerly of the Wellcome Institute; and Keith Blackmore of The Times.
In Australia: the Reverend Robert Evans of Hazelbrook, New South Wales; Alan Thorne and Victoria Bennett of the Australian National University in Canberra; Louise Burke and John Hawley of Canberra; Anne Milne of the Sydney Morning Herald; Ian Nowak, formerly of the Geological Society of Western Australia; Thomas H. Rich of Museum Victoria; Tim Flannery, director of the South Australian Museum in Adelaide; and the very helpful staff of the State Library of New South Wales in Sydney.
And elsewhere: Sue Superville, information center manager at the Museum of New Zealand in Wellington, and Dr. Emma Mbua, Dr. Koen Maes, and Jillani Ngalla of the Kenya National Museum in Nairobi.
I am also deeply and variously indebted to Patrick Janson-Smith, Gerald Howard, Marianne Velmans, Alison Tulett, Larry Finlay, Steve Rubin, Jed Mattes, Carol Heaton, Charles Elliott,
David Bryson, Felicity Bryson, Dan McLean, Nick Southern, Patrick Gallagher, Larry Ashmead, and the staff of the peerless and ever-cheery Howe Library in Hanover, New Hampshire.
Above all, and as always, my profoundest thanks to my dear wife, Cynthia.
1 How to Build a Universe
2 Welcome to the Solar System
3 The Reverend Evans's Universe
4 The Measure of Things
5 The Stone-Breakers
6 Science Red in Tooth and Claw
7 Elemental Matters
8 Einstein's Universe
9 The Mighty Atom
10 Getting the Lead Out
11 Muster Mark's Quarks
12 The Earth Moves
13 Bang!
14 The Fire Below
15 Dangerous Beauty
16 Lonely Planet
17 Into the Troposphere
18 The Bounding Main
19 The Rise of Life
20 Small World
21 Life Goes On
22 Good-bye to All That
23 The Richness of Being
24 Cells
25 Darwin's Singular Notion
26 The Stuff of Life
27 Ice Time
28 The Mysterious Biped
29 The Restless Ape
30 Good-bye
The physicist Leo Szilard once announced to his friend Hans Bethe
that he was thinking of keeping a diary: "I don't intend to publish. I
am merely going to record the facts for the information of God."
"Don't you think God knows the facts?" Bethe asked.
"Yes," said Szilard.
"He knows the facts, but He does not know this version of the facts."
-Hans Christian von Baeyer,
Taming the Atom
Welcome. And congratulations. I am delighted that you could make it. Getting here wasn't easy, I know. In fact, I suspect it was a little tougher than you realize.
To begin with, for you to be here now trillions of drifting atoms had somehow to assemble in an intricate and intriguingly obliging manner to create you. It's an arrangement so specialized and particular that it has never been tried before and will only exist this once. For the next many years (we hope) these tiny particles will uncomplainingly engage in all the billions of deft, cooperative efforts necessary to keep you intact and let you experience the supremely agreeable but generally underappreciated state known as existence.
Why atoms take this trouble is a bit of a puzzle. Being you is not a gratifying experience at the atomic level. For all their devoted attention, your atoms don't actually care about you-indeed, don't even know that you are there. They don't even know that they are there. They are mindless particles, after all, and not even themselves alive. (It is a slightly arresting notion that if you were to pick yourself apart with tweezers, one atom at a time, you would produce a mound of fine atomic dust, none of which had ever been alive but all of which had once been you.) Yet somehow for the period of your existence they will answer to a single overarching impulse: to keep you you.
The bad news is that atoms are fickle and their time of devotion is fleeting-fleeting indeed. Even a long human life adds up to only about 650,000 hours. And when that modest milestone flashes past, or at some other point thereabouts, for reasons unknown your atoms will shut you down, silently disassemble, and go off to be other things. And that's it for you.
Still, you may rejoice that it happens at all. Generally speaking in the universe it doesn't, so far as we can tell. This is decidedly odd because the atoms that so liberally and congenially flock together to form living things on Earth are exactly the same atoms that decline to do it elsewhere. Whatever else it may be, at the level of chemistry life is curiously mundane: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, a little calcium, a dash of sulfur, a light dusting of other very ordinary elements-nothing you wouldn't find in any ordinary drugstore-and that's all you need. The only thing special about the atoms that make you is that they make you. That is of course the miracle of life.
Whether or not atoms make life in other corners of the universe, they make plenty else; indeed, they make everything else. Without them there would be no water or air or rocks, no stars and planets, no distant gassy clouds or swirling nebulae or any of the other things that make the universe so usefully material. Atoms are so numerous and necessary that we easily overlook that they needn't actually exist at all. There is no law that requires the universe to fill itself with small particles of matter or to produce light and gravity and the other physical properties on which our existence hinges. There needn't actually be a universe at all. For the longest time there wasn't. There were no atoms and no universe for them to float about in. There was nothing-nothing at all anywhere.
So thank goodness for atoms. But the fact that you have atoms and that they assemble in such a willing manner is only part of what got you here. To be here now, alive in the twenty-first century and smart enough to know it, you also had to be the beneficiary of an extraordinary string of biological good fortune. Survival on Earth is a surprisingly tricky business. Of the billions and billions of species of living thing that have existed since the dawn of time, most-99.99 percent-are no longer around. Life on Earth, you see, is not only
brief but dismayingly tenuous. It is a curious feature of our existence that we come from a planet that is very good at promoting life but even better at extinguishing it.
The average species on Earth lasts for only about four million years, so if you wish to be around for billions of years, you must be as fickle as the atoms that made you. You must be prepared to change everything about yourself-shape, size, color, species affiliation, everything-and to do so repeatedly. That's much easier said than done, because the process of change is random. To get from "protoplasmal primordial atomic globule" (as the Gilbert and Sullivan song put it) to sentient upright modern human has required you to mutate new traits over and over in a precisely timely manner for an exceedingly long while. So at various periods over the last 3.8 billion years you have abhorred oxygen and then doted on it, grown fins and limbs and jaunty sails, laid eggs, flicked the air with a forked tongue, been sleek, been furry, lived underground, lived in trees, been as big as a deer and as small as a mouse, and a million things more. The tiniest deviation from any of these evolutionary shifts, and you might now be licking algae from cave walls or lolling walrus-like on some stony shore or disgorging air through a blowhole in the top of your head before diving sixty feet for a mouthful of delicious sandworms.
Not only have you been lucky enough to be attached since time immemorial to a favored evolutionary line, but you have also been extremely-make that miraculously-fortunate in your personal ancestry. Consider the fact that for 3.8 billion years, a period of time older than the Earth's mountains and rivers and oceans, every one of your forebears on both sides has been attractive enough to find a mate, healthy enough to reproduce, and sufficiently blessed by fate and circumstances to live long enough to do so. Not one of your pertinent ancestors was squashed, devoured, drowned, starved, stranded, stuck fast, untimely wounded, or otherwise deflected from its life's quest of delivering a tiny charge of genetic material to the right partner at the right moment in order to perpetuate the only possible sequence of hereditary combinations that could result-eventually, astoundingly, and all too briefly-in you.
This is a book about how it happened-in particular how we went from there being nothing at all to there being something, and then how a little of that something turned into us, and also some of what happened in between and since. That's a great deal to cover, of course, which is why the book is called A Short History of Nearly Everything, even though it isn't really. It couldn't be. But with luck by the time we finish it will feel as if it is.
My own starting point, for what it's worth, was an illustrated science book that I had as a classroom text when I was in fourth or fifth grade. The book was a standard-issue 1950s schoolbookbattered, unloved, grimly hefty-but near the front it had an illustration that just captivated me: a cutaway diagram showing the Earth's interior as it would look if you cut into the planet with a large knife and carefully withdrew a wedge representing about a quarter of its bulk.
It's hard to believe that there was ever a time when I had not seen such an illustration before, but evidently I had not for I clearly remember being transfixed. I suspect, in honesty, my initial interest was based on a private image of streams of unsuspecting eastbound motorists in the American plains states plunging over the edge of a sudden 4,000-mile-high cliff running between Central America and the North Pole, but gradually my attention did turn in a more scholarly manner to the scientific import of the drawing and the realization that the Earth consisted of discrete layers, ending in the center with a glowing sphere of iron and nickel, which was as hot as the surface of the Sun, according to the caption, and I remember thinking with real wonder: "How do they know that?"
I didn't doubt the correctness of the information for an instant-I still tend to trust the pronouncements of scientists in the way I trust those of surgeons, plumbers, and other possessors of arcane and privileged information-but I couldn't for the life of me conceive how
any human mind could work out what spaces thousands of miles below us, that no eye had ever seen and no X ray could penetrate, could look like and be made of. To me that was just a miracle. That has been my position with science ever since.
Excited, I took the book home that night and opened it before dinner-an action that I expect prompted my mother to feel my forehead and ask if I was all right-and, starting with the first page, I read.
And here's the thing. It wasn't exciting at all. It wasn't actually altogether comprehensible. Above all, it didn't answer any of the questions that the illustration stirred up in a normal inquiring mind: How did we end up with a Sun in the middle of our planet? And if it is burning away down there, why isn't the ground under our feet hot to the touch? And why isn't the rest of the interior melting-or is it? And when the core at last burns itself out, will some of the Earth slump into the void, leaving a giant sinkhole on the surface? And how do you know this? How did you figure it out?
But the author was strangely silent on such details-indeed, silent on everything but anticlines, synclines, axial faults, and the like. It was as if he wanted to keep the good stuff secret by making all of it soberly unfathomable. As the years passed, I began to suspect that this was not altogether a private impulse. There seemed to be a mystifying universal conspiracy among textbook authors to make certain the material they dealt with never strayed too near the realm of the mildly interesting and was always at least a longdistance phone call from the frankly interesting.
I now know that there is a happy abundance of science writers who pen the most lucid and thrilling prose-Timothy Ferris, Richard Fortey, and Tim Flannery are three that jump out from a single station of the alphabet (and that's not even to mention the late but godlike Richard Feynman)-but sadly none of them wrote any textbook I ever used. All mine were written by men (it was always men) who held the interesting notion that everything became clear when expressed as a formula and the amusingly deluded belief that the children of America would appreciate having chapters end with a section of questions they could mull over in their own time. So I grew up convinced that science was supremely dull, but suspecting that it needn't be, and not really thinking about it at all if I could help it. This, too, became my position for a long time.
Then much later-about four or five years ago-I was on a long flight across the Pacific, staring idly out the window at moonlit ocean, when it occurred to me with a certain uncomfortable forcefulness that I didn't know the first thing about the only planet I was ever going to live on. I had no idea, for example, why the oceans were salty but the Great Lakes weren't. Didn't have the faintest idea. I didn't know if the oceans were growing more salty with time or less, and whether ocean salinity levels was something I should be concerned about or not. (I am very pleased to tell you that until the late 1970s scientists didn't know the answers to these questions either. They just didn't talk about it very audibly.)
And ocean salinity of course represented only the merest sliver of my ignorance. I didn't know what a proton was, or a protein, didn't know a quark from a quasar, didn't understand how geologists could look at a layer of rock on a canyon wall and tell you how old it was, didn't know anything really. I became gripped by a quiet, unwonted urge to know a little about these matters and to understand how people figured them out. That to me remained the greatest of all amazements-how scientists work things out. How does anybody know how much the Earth weighs or how old its rocks are or what really is way down there in the center? How can they know how and when the universe started and what it was like when it did? How do they know what goes on inside an atom? And how, come to that-or perhaps above all-can scientists so often seem to know nearly everything but then still can't predict an earthquake or even tell us whether we should take an umbrella with us to the races next Wednesday?
So I decided that I would devote a portion of my life-three years, as it now turns out-to reading books and journals and finding saintly, patient experts prepared to answer a lot of outstandingly dumb questions. The idea was to see if it isn't possible to understand and appreciate-marvel at, enjoy even-the wonder and accomplishments of science at a level that isn't too technical or demanding, but isn't entirely superficial either.
That was my idea and my hope, and that is what the book that follows is intended to be. Anyway, we have a great deal of ground to cover and much less than 650,000 hours in which to do it, so let's begin.

A random walk in science by the late R L Webe free download

I must say, clever men are fun. It struck me afresh, just reading a
sample The Institute of Physics sent me in advance of contributions
to A random walk in science. (Naturally the sample was representative.)
Fun-that’s not, necessarily, to say funny; though some
of the contributions are very funny. Fun, as I’m defining it for the
moment in my own lexicon, arises from a play of intellectual high
spirits, or high intellectual spirits. (I’m not fussy about which
order the words come in, being neither Wittgensteinian about what
can and can’t be said, nor French about linguistic precision-lots
of things worth saying can only be said loosely.)
In fact spiritedly high intellect also goes for what I’m trying to
get at. With high intelligence there’s nearly always an overflow of
intellectual energy, free energy available for vitalizing any old
topic that comes up, or, better still, for incarnating new ones out of
the empyrean. It’s the play of this free intellectual energy that
makes the person who generates it fun to read, fun to be with. Perhaps
I ought to confess, now, that my private subtitle for this
volume is ‘Physicists At Play’.
So while readers of A random walk in science are being promised
fun, the contributors find themselves being called clever. Well,
there’s something in that. It has always seemed clear to me that
level of intelligence is much more decisive in the sorting-out of
scientists than it is in the sorting-out of, say, writers. (I’ve chosen
writers for comparison with scientists so as to keep sight of the
‘creative’ element in what they both do.) My general impression,
for instance in moving between a group of scientists and a comparable
group of writers, comparable in distinction of talent and
reputation, is of a drop in the average IQ. To take a specific case:
I should have thought you simply couldn’t be a first-rate physicist
without a first-rate intellectual equipment; whereas you can be a
first-rate novelist-quite a few have been.
Such as who ? you ask. Trying to avoid the most obvious dangers
in the present circumstances, by going to the top flight in distinction
and choosing a scientist who’s not a physicist and a novelist
who’s not alive, I suggest juxtaposing Jacques Monod and D H
Lawrence. (I know that the possession of highest intellect is not
what we primarily require of a novelist; that’s not what this argument’s
about.) I feel that by any of the criteria we normally accept
for judging intellectual power and range, Lawrence, though he’s
pretty well bound to be placed in the top flight of novelists, simply
has to come in a flight below Monod as a mind. (It’s particularly
amusing to imagine the rage of Lawrencians at the demotion of
their prophet as a mind-when the message which they receive
from him with such reverence and passion is patently anti-mind !)
And if one comes down the flights from the top, I think a similar
juxtaposing on almost any of them would most frequently give the
edge to the scientist, certainly to the practitioner of the ‘exact’
Having then fulfilled the two prime requirements for a Foreword-
writer-(i) to promise the readers and (ii) to flatter the
authors-I can get on with saying something more about the contributions.
For instance, what sort of fun is it that characterizes
physicists at play? It’s the fun of playing tricks with conceptual
thought-misapplying concepts, parodying them, standing them
on their heads. I have a special weakness, myself, for tricks being
played with the concepts of mathematics and symbolic logic-‘A
Contribution to the Mathematical Theory of Big Game Hunting’,
which shows how to trap a lion in the Sahara sheerly by manipulating
ideas, suits me excellently.
But the whole book is far from being confined to playing with
mathematics and symbolic logic. There’s a selection of in-jokes by
physicists at their most worldly-in-jokes that can readily be understood
by non-physicists, since a lot of them are making sarcastic
fun of how the world works, on which physicists cast a very beady
eye as a result of having to cope with it-where ‘cope’ usually
means ‘crash through it in order to get some physics done.’ 0 & M
wreaking their uncomprehending will at the Festival Hall; ‘Why
we should go to the Moon’ (because ‘the world is running dangerously
short of unprocessed data’); a ‘Proposal for a Coal Reactor’.
And jokes at their own expense-the gamesmanship of physicists;
cynical glossaries of the professional terms they use, and so on.
Very funny and, indeed, very worldly.
Yet this fun is still essentially located more in the realm of the
conceptual than of the human. (If you asked me now to explain in
one sentence what I mean by the ‘human’, I should say it had
something to do with seeing the fun-and the pathos, as well-in a
single fellow mortal’s being wholly and sheerly himself.‘) And
worldliness, when you come to think about it, incorporates a high
degree of conceptualizing, of abstracting from general human behaviour
within narrow, if amusing, terms of reference. So the
expression of physicists at play hangs together quite remarkably.
A random walk in science keeps one startlingly within a perimeter,
a perimeter within which a set of clever men are having a high old
time with rational concepts. Their high spirits and confidence are
particularly startling to anyone who spends much time outside
the perimeter, especially in the part of the culture which is occupied
with the arts.
Why is it startling? What is it that enables a set of clever men to
live way out there, having a high old intellectual time, on their
own ? I can only put forward a personal interpretation-at the risk
of provoking rage on another front. Let me put it this way: it’s
easy to say what’s inside the perimeter and it’s pretty stunning, at
that. What is not inside it, as it strikes me, is what I should call a
deep sense of the darker side of existence, of the tragic nature of
the single human being’s fate-and, in this context, all that hinges
on a sense of how slight, how desperately slight is the hold of
rationality on the way we behave.
There are two things I don’t mean by that. The first is that
physicists don’t have a sense of cosmic danger: they do. Once
upon a time, The Bomb: now, Ecological Disaster. But a sense of
cosmic danger is a totally different thing from a tragic sense of life.
The second is that physicists are unaware of irrationality in the
individual behaviour of other men and even, at a pinch, of themselves:
they are-but in the impatient, exasperated manner of men
who have not comprehended that irrationality is our basic
natural state.
They recognize that the crucial step on the way to scientific
discovery is not rational, but intuitive. Of course. But the scientific
discipline teaches one how to evaluate one’s intuitions. ‘The
student of physics has his intuition violated so repeatedly,’ writes
one of the contributors, with a sort of careless starkness, ‘that he
comes to accept it as a routine experience.’ I take it that all
physicists would more or less agree with him. I wonder if they
have any intimations of the growing proportion of people in the
world now, certainly in the culture we ourselves are living in, who
would regard that statement as arising from a view oflife which to
them is anathema ? The devaluation of intuition by mind-evil.
A random walk in science begins with a challenge, at once playful
in expression and sound at heart, about the Two Cultures. It
recognizes the polarization that has taken place, and suggests that
it would have been less likely to have taken place round scientific
and non-scientific elements in the culture-or having done so, it
would be more likely to disappear-if we English had used the
word (and the idea of) ‘science’ broadly to include all scholarship,
as the Dutch use the word ‘wetenschappen’. It’s an amusing idea.
But if we used ‘science’ as he suggests, we should dilute the meanvii
ing of the word and have to find a new one to signify what we
currently call science. What’s more, the Two Cultures polarization
happens unfortunately to be just as serious in Holland, anyway.
On the other hand, the idea jives unexpectedly with the
argument I’m leading up to. The polarization into the Two Cultures
exists; but in my view the form in which it is now manifesting
itself is deeper and more alarming than appeared when the poles
were seen to be science and non-science. They are now manifesting
themselves in a form that shows our situation to be more grave
than it would be if the poles were even wetenschappen and nonwetenschappen.
They are mind and anti-mind.
The situation is not Alexandrian, because history doesn’t happen
twice in the same form; but to think about ancient Alexandria and
now is deeply disturbing. In the earlier culture they had marvellous
science going on, within its perimeter scientists in high spirits
and high confidence; and outside . . . a lapse into complex and
arcane fatuity. What do we have now? Excellent science and
technology, its practitioners within its perimeter sparkling with
high spirits and confidence, living by mind; and elsewhere . . .
lapse into the fatuity of headless exaltation of the instinctual life,
the irrational life-or, to use the current terminology, the ‘authentic’
Lawrence was devoting his art to it fifty years ago. Things have
moved on since then. In the present we have, for example, the
turning away from learning history, because knowing what happened
in the past inhibits one from acting according to instinct
now; the regarding of a schizophrenic’s madness as his sanity-to
live with him we must enter it; the idiot reverence for drugexperiences,
or any other experiences, that ‘blow’ the mind. And
so on, and on.
Thus I summarize my argument. Only men who have a sense of
the darker side of human existence, who know in their bones how
slight is the grasp of rationality on the instinctive forces that drive
us and have intiations of the steride fatuity that would ensue from
being overwhelmed by them-ody such men can truly cope with
the danger that faces the intellectual world. Reading A random
walk in science I was entertained, pleased, stimulated, roused to
admiration-and troubled. Physicists at play. Are they unconscious
of their fate ?

Foreword William Cooper
Introduction Robert L Weber and Eric Mendoca
When does jam become marmalade ? HB G Casimir
In defence of pure research JJ Thomson
Keeping up with science L Feleki
Sir Francis Simon NKurti
Cuts by the score Anon
The theorist
The theory ofpractical joking-its relevance to physics R YJones
New university-1229 Lynn Thorndike
The Smithsonian Institution Lewis Selye
Atmospheric extravaganza John Herapath
Little Miss Muffet F Winsor
The Academy Jonathan Sw@
The triumph of reason Bert Liston Taylor
American Institute of Useless Research
Remarks on the quantum theory of the absolute zero of
temperature G Beck, H Bethe and W Riezler
A contribution to the mathematical theory of big game hunting
H Pitwd
Fission and superstition HMK
The uses of fallacy Paul YDunmore
Basic science Anon
On the nature of mathematical proofs Joel E Cohen
Arrogance in physics Laura Fermi
What do physicists do ?
Physics terms made easy Anon
Humphry Davy’s first experiments HumphyDavy, EN&CAnd.a&
Maxwell’s aether James Clerk Maxwell

Style in physics Ludwig Boltzmann
An Experiment to prove that Water is more elastic than Air
John Clayton
Three jolly sailors F Winsor
H A Rowland Paul Kirkpatrick
Confrontation Maurice Caullery and Andie Titry
Getting bubble chambers accepted by the world of professional
physicists DonaldA Glaser
Bunsen burner Henry Roscoe
Rutherford and Nature’s whispers A S Russell
The organization of research-1920 W M Wheeler
Solar eclipse Reinhold Gerhaq
How Newton discovered the law of gravitation James E Miller
Graduate students P M S Blackett
Epigrams Alexander Pope and SirJohn Collins Squire
Take away your billion dollars Arthw Roberts
Standards for inconsequential trivia Philip A Simpson
How radar began A P Rowe
Building research R YJones
Perils of modem living H P Fwth
Predictions and comments
Little Willie Dorothy Rickard
Which units of length ? Pamela Anderton
Alpher, Bethe and Gamow R A Alphr and R H e m
Electromagnetic units : I
Electromagnetic units: 2 HB G Cmimir
British Units
Therapy JPJoule
Infancy of x-rays G E MJauncey
Faraday lectures Michael Farachy

Nrays R WWood
My initiation L Rosenfeld
Frank Jewett Paul E Klopsteg
Inertia of a broomstick Gaston Tissandier
Pneumatic experiment Lady Holland, James Gillray
The high standard of education in Scotland Sir W L Bragg
Theoretical zipperdynamics HJ Zipkin
Atomic medicine John HLawrence
100 authors against Einstein A von Brunn
Ultraviolet catastrophe HPoincad
Flatland : a romance of many dimensions Edwin A Abbott
Schools of physics
How a theoretical physicist works YBere<insky
The art of finding the right graph paper SA Rudin
On the imperturbability of elevator operators: LVII John Sykes
The analysis of contemporary music using harmonious oscillator
wave functions HJLipkin
Researchers’ prayer Anon
Turboencabulator J H Quick
Heaven is hotter than Hell
On the feasibility of coaldriven power stations 0 R Fhch
Bedside manner
A theory of ghosts D A Wright
A stress analysis of a strapless evening gown
Two classroom stories Robert Weinstock
Murphy’s law D L Klipstein
Thermoelectric effect
A glossary for research reports C D GrahamJr
Why we must go to the Moon Charles G Tiemy

Face to face with metrication Norman Stone
Life on Earth (by a Martian) PaulA Weiss
The high energy physics colouring book HJLipkin
Snakes and Ladders PJ Duke
Do-it-yourself CERN Courier writing kit
Gulliver's computer Jonathan Sw@
Textbook selection MalcolmJohnson
Computer, B.Sc. (failed) E Mendoca
Collective names in basic sciences Anon
The Chaostron. An important advance in learning machines
J B Cadwallader-Cohen, l7 WZysiqk andR R Donelley
Physics is too young William Thewell
Yes, Virginia Y E Eaton
How to learn Lewis Carroll
The nature of evidence Isaac Todhunter
School leaving exam
Where to hold nuclear spectroscopy conferences in Russia
Typical examination questions as a guide to graduate students
studying for prelims HJLipkin
Big Science and Lesser Sciences P M S Blackett
Oral examination procedure S D Mason
Fluorescent yield Arthur HSneZl
Slidesmanship D H Wilkinson
A conference glossary David Kritchevsky and RJ Van Hr Wal
Valentine from a Telegraph Clerk 8 to a Telegraph Clerk
James Clerk Maxwell
Enrico Fermi Emilio Segr2
The parrot and the carrot R W Wood
20 I
The bee, the beet and the beetle R W Wood
Absent-minded Henry Roscoe
The Mason-Dixon line
Toothed wheels
The transit of Venus Jeremiah Horrox
Lines inspired by a lecture on extra-terrestrial life J D G M
Postprandial: Ions mine JJE Dwack
The trial of Galileo FShwood Taylor
Newton and Facts D Bentley
John Dalton’s discovery of his colour blindness
Paris, May I 832 Ian Stewart, Hippolyte Carnot
Pulsars in poetry Jay M Pasuchof
Clouds, 19Lo rdKelvin
An awkward incident Sir WL Bragg
Shoulders of giants Robert K Merton
Rotating dog William Gamett
Answer man
Home run
The pulsar’s Pindar Dietrick E Thomsen andJonathan Eberhart
Walter Nernst Edgar WKut.pcher
Self-frustration R YJones
Unsung heroes-I : J-B MoirC Simplicius
Unsung heroes-I1 : Juan Hernandez Torsi6n Herrera Col.
Douglas Lindsay and Capt.James Ketchum
Wolfgang Pauli Eugene P W i p r
Scientific method Adolph Baker
Pebbles and Shells Isaac Newton
... Xlll
It is sad that it should seem necessary today to rescue scientists
from the unattractive stereotypes and caricatures with which they
are encumbered. Physics, the basic science, seems most in need of
humanizing. Older philosophies of science pretended that physics
proceeds from certainty to certainty through the performance of
critical experiments unambiguously interpreted. This created the
impression that physicists themselves have no room for doubt,
that they have no emotions and no time for laughter-in short,
that they are inhuman.
Much of the misunderstanding of scientists and how they work
is due to the standard format of articles in scientific journals. With
their terse accounts of successful experiments and well-supported
conclusions they show little of the untidy nature of research at the
frontiers of knowledge. In self defence, there has grown up a
derisive, sometimes cynical attitude of self criticism by scientists,
a subculture which transcends geographical and political barriers.
Experimenters’ gibes at the uselessness of theoreticians, glossaries
of the real meanings behind well-worn phrases, disillusion at the
corruptbg effect of the vast sums of money lavished on government
research laboratories, can be found in articles from Russia or
America, Britain or continental Europe. On the other hand Rutherford’s
sensitivity to Nature’s whispers, Boltzmann’s sense of the
sublime in Maxwell’s work, or poor William Crabtree’s emotion
on seeing the transit of Venus, these are attitudes and feelings
which every scientist knows are at the centre of scientific research.
They rarely show through the language of our reports.
A flourishing underground press has grown up in science. A
typical journal is the Worm Runner’s Digest. ‘It started,’ says Dr
J V McConnell, as ‘my own personal joke on the Scientific Establishment
although it has turned out to be more of a joke on me.
I’ve lost grants because of the Digest . . .’. After twelve years of
uninhibited life, the Digest is published in two parts. The front half
records bona fide research under an acceptable title, TheJoumal
of Biological Research; it is noticed in Psychological Abstracts, Bio-
Zogical Abstracts, and Chemical Abstracts. But the second half of the
Digest remains ‘the Playboy of the scientific world,’ its pages
printed upside down to help distinguish fact from fantasy. It is
the house organ of an anti-Scientific movement. McConnell’s convlction
is that ‘most of what is wrong with science these days can
be traced to the fact that scientists are willing to make objective
and dispassionate studies of any natural phenomen at all-except
their own scientific behaviour. We know considerably more about
flatworms than we do about people who study flatworms. The
Establishment never questions its own motives; the true humorist
always does.’
In this book I have drawn heavily on such journals and on other
informal writings by scientists. It is a collection of comments,
both lighthearted and serious, by scientists. They reveal their
intensely human ambitions, frustrations and elation; they record
some changing attitudes within science and mirror the interactions
of science with society.
I hope you find as much pleasure in reading these pages as I did
in assembling them.
Professor Eric Mendoza, who kindly consented to serve as The
Institute of Physics’ Honorary Editor for this book, has been an
enthusiastic and careful editor and has brought additional items to
the collection. It has been a pleasure to work with him, though at a
distance; I express my gratitude for his substantial help.
This anthology started life as a collection of jokes about physics.
Physicists, thought Professor Weber, took themselves too seriously
and would benefit from the opportunity to laugh at themselves.
But it was not long before he added another more serious
ingredient and broadened the scope to include other subjects close
to physics. The manuscript came to be entitled ‘Humour and
Humanism in Science’ and it was in this form that it was submitted
to The Institute of Physics. It seemed to me, however, that a
collection overwhelmingly drawn from the twentieth century
lacked those deeper notes-the graver modes, Rayleigh would
have called them-with which physics, with its long and turbulent
history, so resonates. The character of the book gradually changed
as many cynical wisecracks from today’s whizz kids gave place to
more measured pronouncements from the giants of our history,
and the more obscure in-jokes were discarded in favour of dramas
and tragedies from the past.
This is not a scholarly book; it has been arranged for dipping
into, for casual reading, and many of the articles have been condensed.
To that end, it has not been formally divided into sections
or chapters as textbooks are; rather each article is loosely related
to the ones near it. It is hoped that if the book loses in orderliness
it will gain in freshness, and that perhaps the specialist physicist,
the earnest sociologist, and the young reader may thereby be
lured into browsing over topics they might otherwise ignore.
Dr Dorothy Fisher and the editorial staff at The Institute of
Physics in Bristol have been both stimulating and patient. Mr Hall
and Dr Emerson in particular have guided production and accumulated
the copyright permissions, which for a manuscript of
about 150 separate items is no light undertaking. The designer,
Bernard Crossland, evolved a design of sufficiently great adaptability,
at first a seemingly impossible task. To all these people,
and to the librarians who have helped us trace obscure material
and those authors who have contributed special articles, Professor
Weber and I are deeply grateful.

A History of Light and Colour Measurement Science in the Shadows By Sean F Johnston free download

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1.1 Organization of chapters 4
1.2 Terms 9
Notes 10
2.1 Beginnings 12
2.2 A lawless frontier 18
2.2.1 Photography: juggling variables 20
2.2.2 Astronomy: isolated forays 21
2.3 Techniques of visual photometry 22
2.3.1 Qualitative methods 22
2.3.2 Comparative methods 22
2.3.3 Physical methods 24
2.4 Studies of radiant heat 24
2.5 Describing colour 26
Notes 28
3.1 Recurring themes 34
3.2 Altered perceptions 36
3.2.1 Astrophysics and the scientific measurement of light 37
3.2.2 Spectroscopy 41
3.2.3 Shifting standards: gas and electrotechnical photometry 42
3.2.4 Utilitarian connections 43
3.3 The 19th-century photometer 49
3.4 Prejudice and temptation: the problems in judging intensity 53
3.5 Quantifying light: n-rays versus blackbody radiation 58
Notes 64
4.1 Amateurs and independent research 72
4.2 The illuminating engineers 75
4.3 Optical societies 86
A History of Light and Colour Measurement
Notes 88
5.1 Utilitarian pressures 94
5.2 The Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt 96
5.3 The National Physical Laboratory 99
5.4 The National Bureau of Standards 102
5.5 Colour at the national laboratories 104
5.6 Tracing careers 107
5.7 Weighing up the national laboratories 109
5.8 Industrial laboratories 111
5.9 Wartime photometry 114
5.10 Consolidation of practitioners 116
Notes 117
6.1 A fashion for physical photometry 125
6.1.1 Objectivity 126
6.1.2 Precision 128
6.1.3 Speed 129
6.1.4 Automation 129
6.2 The refinement of vision 130
6.3 Shifts of confidence 133
6.4 Physical photometry for astronomers 135
6.4.1 An awkward hybrid: photographic recording and visual
analysis 135
6.4.2 A halfway house: photographic recording and
photoelectric analysis 137
6.4.3 A ‘more troublesome’ method: direct
photoelectric photometry 139
6.5 The rise of photoelectric photometry 142
6.6 Recalcitrant problems 148
6.6.1 Talbot’s law 148
6.6.2 Linearity 148
6.6.3 The spectre of heterochromatic photometry 150
Notes 151
7.1 The Commission Internationale de Photom´etrie 161
7.2 The Commission Internationale de l’ ´ Eclairage 162
7.3 Legislative connections 167
7.4 Constructing colorimetry 168
7.4.1 Colour at the CIE 168
7.4.2 Disciplinary divisions 176
7.4.3 Differentiating the issues 177
7.5 Voting on colour 179
7.5.1 Configuring compromise 180
7.5.2 An uncertain closure 181
Notes 184
8.1 Birth of an industry 192
8.2 Technological influences 194
8.3 Linking communities 197
8.3.1 Extension of commercial expertise 200
8.3.2 New practitioners 201
8.4 Making modernity 203
8.5 Backlash to commercialization 204
8.6 New instruments and new measurements 206
8.7 Photometry for the millions 208
8.8 A better image through advertising 210
Notes 213
9.1 The mystique of the invisible 220
9.2 Military connections 221
9.2.1 British research 222
9.2.2 American developments during the SecondWorld War 222
9.2.3 German experiences 224
9.2.4 Post-war perspectives 225
9.2.5 New research: beyond the n-ray 227
9.2.6 New technology 227
9.3 New centres 229
9.4 New communities 230
9.5 New units, new standards 231
9.6 Commercialization of confidential expertise 232
9.6.1 New public knowledge 232
9.7 A new balance: radiometry as the ‘senior’ specialism 233
Notes 233
10.1 Evolution of practice and technique 237
10.2 The social foundations of light 240
10.3 A peripheral science? 243
10.3.1 On being at the edge 243
10.3.2 Technique, technology or applied science? 245
10.3.3 Attributes of peripheral science 247
10.4 Epilogue: declining fortunes 248
Notes 250
Abbreviations 255
Periodicals 255
A History of Light and Colour Measurement
Organizations 257
Other 258
Sources 258
Notes 261
Bibliography 261

This book is about how light was made to count. It explores a seemingly
simple question: How was the brightness of light—casually judged by everyone
but seldom considered a part of science before the 20th century—transformed
into a measurable and trustworthy quantity? Why did the description of colour
become meaningful to artists, dyers, industrialists and a handful of scientists?
Seeking answers requires the exploration of territory in the history, sociology and
philosophy of science. Lightwas made to count as a quantifiable entity at the same
time as it came to count for something in human terms. Measuring the intensity
of light was fraught with difficulties closely bound up with human physiology,
contentious technologies and scientific sub-cultures.
Explorations often begin with meanderings, tentative forays and more
prolonged expeditions. This one ranges over a period of 250 years, and pursues
social interactions at every scale. As the title hints, the subject was long on the
periphery of recognized science. The illustrations in the book reinforce the reality
of social marginalization, too: depictions of light-measurers are rare. Certainly
their shrouded and blackened apparatus made photography awkward; but the
reliance on human observers to make scientific measurements came to be an
embarrassment to practitioners. The practitioners remain shadowy, too, because
of the low status of their occupation, commercial reticence and—somewhat
later—military secrecy.
The measurement of brightness came to be invested with several purposes.
It gained sporadic attention through the 18th century. Adopted alternately by
astronomers and for the utilitarian needs of the gas lighting industry from the
second half of the 19th century, it was appropriated by the nascent electric lighting
industry to ‘prove’ the superiority of their technology. By the turn of the century
the illuminating engineering movement was becoming an organized, if eclectic,
community promoting research into the measurement of light intensity.
The early 20th century development of the subject was moulded by
organization and institutionalization. During its first two decades, new national
and industrial laboratories in Britain, America and Germany were crucial in
stabilizing practices and raising confidence in them. Through the inter-war period,
committees and international commissions sought to standardize light and colour
measurement and to promote research. Such government- and industry-supported
A History of Light and Colour Measurement
delegations, rather than academic institutions, were primarily responsible for the
construction of the subject.
Along with this social organization came a new cognitive framework:
practitioners increasingly came to interpret the three topics of photometry (visible
light measurement), colorimetry (the measurement of colour) and radiometry (the
measurement of invisible radiations) as aspects of a broader study.
This recategorization brought shifts of authority: shifts of the dominant
social group determining the direction of the subject’s evolution, and a shift
of confidence away from the central element of detection, the eye. From the
1920s, the highly refined visual methods of observation were hurriedly replaced
by physical means of light measurement, a process initially a matter of scientific
fashion rather than demonstrated superiority. These non-human instruments
embodied the new locus of light and colour, and the data they produced stabilized
the definitions further.
The rise of automated, mechanized measurement of light and colour
introduced new communities to the subject. New photoelectric techniques
for measuring light intensity engendered new commercial instruments, a trend
that accelerated in the 1930s when photometry was taken up with mixed
success for a wide range of industrial problems. Seeds sown in those
years—namely commercialization and industrial application, the transition from
visual to physical methods and the search for fundamental limitations in light
measurement—gave the subject the form it was to retain over the next halfcentury.
Nevertheless, changing usage mutated the subject. Light proved to be
a valuable quantity for military purposes during and after the Second World
War. A wholly new body of specialists—military contractors—transformed its
measurement, creating new theory, new technology, new standards and new units
of measurement.
Following this variety of players through their unfamiliar environments
illuminates the often hidden territories of scientific change. And two themes
run throughout this account of the measurement of light and colour from its
first hesitant emergence to its gradual construction as a scientific subject. The
first traces changing attitudes concerning quantification. The mathematization of
light was a contentious process that hinged on finding an acceptable relationship
between the mutable response of the human eye and the more readily stabilized,
but less encompassing, techniques of physical measurement. The diffident
acceptance of new techniques by different technical communities illuminates their
value systems, interactions and socio-technical evolution.
A second theme is the exploration of light measurement as a science
peripheral to the concerns of many contemporary scientists and the historians
who later studied them, and yet arguably typical of the scientific enterprise.
The lack of attention attracted by this marginal subject belies its wide influence
throughout 20th century science and technology. Light measurement straddled
the developing categories of ‘academic science’ and mere ‘invention’, and was
influenced by such distinct elements as utilitarian requirements, technological
innovation, human perception and networks of bureaucratization. Unlike more
conventionally recognized ‘successful’ fields, the measurement of light did not
evolve into an academic discipline or technical profession, although it did attract
career specialists as guardians of a developing body of knowledge. By studying
the range of interactions that shaped this seemingly diffuse subject, this book
seeks to suggest the commonality of its evolutionary features with other subjects
underpinning modern science. This richly connected region, belatedly gaining
attention from historians and sociologists of science, has too long been in the
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the initial motivation for this study came from my
own background as a physicist in industry and academe, and from doctoral work
in the history of science. My acknowledgements are equally diverse. Charles
Amick, Dick Fagan and William Hanley of the Illuminating Engineering Society
of North America, Susan Farkas of the Edison Electric Institute, David MacAdam
at the Institute of Optics in Rochester, Deborah Warner of the Smithsonian
Institution, and the librarians of the Universities of Leeds and Glasgow helped
in locating source material. Geoffrey Cantor, my doctoral supervisor during
the time much of this work was gestated in the History of Science Division
of the Philosophy Department at the University of Leeds, gave continual warm
encouragement and advice, and Graeme Gooday, Colin Hempstead, Jeff Hughes
and colleagues at the Universities of Leeds and Glasgow provided welcome
suggestions, discussions and/or interest in my subject and draft at various stages.
Some of the material in this book has appeared previously in the journals
Science in Context and History of Science, and benefited from the comments of
anonymous referees. Portions of this work presented at meetings also elicited
supportive discussion, particularly those organized by the British Society for
the History of Science (Edinburgh 1996), the CNRS Maison des Sciences de
l’Homme (Paris 1997), the Society for the History of Technology (London 1996
and Baltimore 1998), the University of Gothenberg (G¨oteborg 1998) and the
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Leuven 2000). Comments at those conferences
from Jaap van Brakel, Bruno Latour, Barbara Saunders, Terry Shinn and John
Staudenmaier were particularly helpful. I am no less grateful to Charles Thomas
Whitmell, whose name appeared with surprising regularity as the collector of
documents that attracted my attention at Leeds1.
I dedicate this work to my family: to my parents, who planted the seeds of
my interests; to my wife Libby, who nurtured them and supplied constant support
and encouragement; and to my sons Daniel and Samuel.
Sean Johnston
Dumfries, April 2001

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Guid to The World Economy By Randy Charles Epplng free download

This book is dedicated to Jim Ragsdale. I would also like to
thank everyone who helped along the way-in particular, Janos
Farago in Geneva and Emanuele Pignatelli in Zurich (without
whose help this book would really not have been possible) and
Chuck Painter, who first inspired me to write this book. A special
thanks to all those who helped with ideas and suggestions,
making this book as "user friendly" as possible: Shawn Engelberg
of Lake Oswego, Oregon; Del Franz of New York City;
Otto Bohlman of New Haven, Connecticut; Paul Barichman of
Athens, Georgia; Rodrigo FiBes of Rio de Janeiro; Joanna Hurley
of Albuquerque; Gary Epping of Portland, Oregon; Elemer
Hantos of Nyon, Switzerland; Robert Malley of Washington,
D.C.; Pedro and Marisa Moreira Salles of SBo Paulo; Terry
Ragsdale of New York; Jean-Marc and Virginia Pilpoul of Paris;
Sebastian Velasco of Madrid; Alex Neuman of Zurich; Rich
Rimer of Amsterdam; Enrique Schmid of San Pedro Sula; Benoit
Demeulemeester of Zurich; Anders Thomsen of Copenhagen;
Chris Elliott of Geneva; Tom Header of New York; Persio Arida
of SBo Paulo; and Michael Piore at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
I would also like to thank my editors at Vintage
Books-Marty Asher, for his vision and confidence in developing
and publishing this book as a Vintage Original, and Edward
Kastenmeier, for his tireless efforts in the preparation of this
new edition. Finally, a special thanks to all the readers who
contacted me in Zurich (Internet: 100561.3462 @compuserve.
com) with comments and suggestions, making this new
edition an even better guide to the expanding global economy.

1. What Is the World Economy? 3
2. How Is Wealth Determined Around the World? 4
3. What Is Macroeconomics? 6
4. How Does International Trade Function? 8
5. What Are Trade Surpluses and Deficits? 10
6. How Does Foreign Ownership Affect a Country's Economy? 12
7. What Is Money? 13
8. What Are the World's Major Currencies? 16
9. What Are Freely Floating Currencies? 18
10. What Are Exchange Rates? 20
11. What Is GNP? 22
12. What Is Inflation? 24
13. How Can the World's Economies Be Compared? 26
14. What Is Money Supply? 27
15. What Is a Central Bank? 29
16. How Do Central Banks Regulate an Economy? 32
17. How Are Interest Rates Used to control an Economy? 35
18. What Is Free Trade? 36
19. What Are Quotas, Tariffs, and subsidies? 38
20. How Do Budget Deficits Affect Trade Deficits? 40
21. Why Are Companies Referred to as Ltd., Inc., Gmbh, or S.A.? 42
22. What Is Equity? 44
23. What Is a Balance Sheet? 45
24. What Is a Profit and Loss Statement? 47
25. What Is Net Worth? 49
26. How Are Companies Compared Internationally? 51
27. What Is a Leveraged Buyout? 52
28. How Do Companies in the Global Economy Transcend
National Boundaries? 54
29. How Are International Investments Compared? 57
30. What Are the Risks of International Investing? 58
31. What Is a Stock Index? 61
32. How Do Investors Buy Foreign Shares? 62
33. What Is an Equity Fund? 64
34. What Is Bankruptcy? 66
35. What Is a Capital Market? 67
36. What Is a Bond? 69
37. How Are Bonds Traded? 71
38. What Are Eurocurrencies and Eurobonds? 73
39. How Are Ratings Used to Evaluate Investments? 75
40. How Is Gold Used as an International Investment? 76
41. What Are Derivatives? 78
42. What Is an Option? 80
43. What Are Puts and Calls? 83
44. What Is a Currency Option? 84
45. What Is a Warrant? 86
46. Who Invests in the Global Marketplace? 88
47. What Is Hot Money? 90
48. How Do Investors and Businesses Use Information Technology
to Access the Global Economy? 94
49. What Are the Forces Behind European Economic Unity? 97
50. What Is the European Union? 99
51. How Do Communist Countries Participate in the
World Economy? 101
52. How Did the Socialist Countries of the Soviet Bloc Make
the Transition to Capitalism? 104
53. What Is the Pacific Rim Economy? 106
54. What Is Japan Inc.? 108
55. What Is NAFTA? 110
56. What Are Free-Trade Megazones? 112
5% What Is the Third World? 116
58. What Are the Roots of Third World Poverty? 118
59. What Are the Origins of the Third World's Debt? 119
60. What Is Hyperinflation? 121
61. What Are Economic Austerity Plans? 123
62. What Can Be Done to Promote Third World Development? 125
63. How Is Global Economic Cooperation Encouraged? 127
64. What Is the World Trade Organization? 128
65. What Are Regional Development Banks? 130
66. What Are the IMF and the World Bank? 132
67. How Is Corruption Part of the World Economy? 134
68. What Is Money Laundering? 135
69. How Does a Swiss Bank Account Work? 137
70. What Is a Tax Haven? 139
71. How Do International Criminals Escape Prosecution? 140
72. What Are Black Markets? 142
73. How Is Slavery Part of the World Economy? 143
74. How Is the Environment Affected by the World Economy? 146
75. What Are Pollution Rights? 148
76. What Is a Debt-For-Nature Swap? 150
77. How Can Economic Sanctions and Incentives Be Used
to Protect the Environment? 152

Thursday 9 February 2012

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